Meet Our Marathon Team: Vincent Piazza

What got you started as a runner?

I’ve always run but typically for short distances, usually no more than three miles.

Late last year I decided that I wanted to challenge myself by tackling long distances for various charitable causes.

This is my last and longest run planned.

Is running a marathon something that you always thought you would take part in?

It’s something that was on my mind for years but I’d swing back and forth as to whether its something I could ever do.

Then I turned 40…

What was the best thing about growing up in Queens alongside many first responder families?

Queens offered so much culture and diversity to me growing up.

I have a few first responders in my family and grew up alongside some.

The obvious benefit was a sense of safety but on another level I was able to identify with them beyond the uniform.

How did you get involved with Answer the Call?

About five years back I did just that…

After meeting the wonderful people involved in such a great cause I promised to always return and help in any way I can.

As a New Yorker, what does the NYC Marathon and running it on behalf of Answer the Call mean to you?

Its a great honor for me to run on behalf of Answer the Call and the men and women who faithfully serve New York City.

We wish Vincent the best of luck and are so happy to have him on our 2017 team!

This interview was conducted by Sarah Pinhasov, Fall 2017 Development Intern, and has been edited for readability. 

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