As someone who has always been into fitness and healthy lifestyles, Ryan Holgan was always meant to run. Once Ryan graduated from college he worked a desk job for 12 hours a day, and could not find much opportunity to exercise his body. So he began running in his spare time and has been increasing his involvement over the years, running 5Ks and 10Ks and joining the New York Roadrunners three years ago. Ryan found the culture and collegiate aspect of organized races to be very fulfilling and decided to stick with the sport.
Ryan ran his first half marathon a year ago in Brooklyn, and participated in his second this year. His first full marathon will be this year as well. Ryan says that he is inspired to run for Answer the Call to prove to himself that he is capable of it. His father, a New York City firemen for three decades, was heavily impacted by 9/11; the aftermath was felt by his friends, family and all the first responders with whom he was associated. Though Ryan’s father was able to come home after the attacks, he knows that many others cannot say the same. So he is not only running for himself, but for something he believes in.
Though the training for the past couple of months has been painful (he has sustained a number of runner’s injuries, including an injured knee and tendinitis, necessitating a cortisone shot), Ryan says he will push through it. Ryan has been aiming to run for Answer the Call for a long time, having gone to support the runners personally in previous years. We are very proud to have Ryan on our team, and wish him the very best of luck!
This interview was conducted by Sarah Pinhasov, Fall 2017 Development Intern, and has been edited for readability.